I'm done taking orders, after having been ripped off too many times by closed checking accounts and eating botched shipping costs. It was a good run, nearly 600 shirts, but it's gotten to the point where, after years of never getting a bounced check, I've gotten five in the last six months. Since I made about two bucks, more or less (50 cents if it was an XXXL), on each shirt, I'd have to sell 21 shirts just to make it up in the event someone didn't pay. This happened five times, and only three people paid up. Furthermore, now I'm getting threatening email from people who seem to think I ripped them off. For me to rip off someone, I'd have to receive their letter and cash the check or money order... which no one ever says I did. So, enough lunacy. I've been pretty happy with the success of it all, and I regret not getting the new design to you, but with Tool coming out against bootleg shirts (even if they dig 'em), I figured I'd just sit on it. Maybe make a batch for chihuahuas or something. I have to admit, some people were extremely cool. I had more fun sending the design to folks in exchange for interesting stickers or posters, than I ever did selling shirts for (very) modest profit. I got some great letters, some really outrageous nations (Iceland, I'm big in Iceland, folks), some kick-ass check designs, envelope designs, and some graphic artist lettering lessons. Overall, the people were great. Glad to have made some people happy. So, any envelopes I have are being returned unopened. I'm not processing orders as of this moment. I had fun, too bad it ended like this. Anyone can still contact me at christopher@wanko.org, for any reason. And hey, if you bought a shirt, the promise still holds: if I ever do put a new design out, you'll be the first ones I tell.
i just wanted to say a quick thank you to those who helped me get you
those tool shirts. it sucked at times but i am glad it all worked out.
some of you guys may be long gone, regardless, thank you. and thanks again
to kabir for the web space. now for the tallies.
overall total sold = 143 (+/- 10)
most popular style = xl black 70
least popular style = l navy 12
countries shipped to = us, canada, NZ, au, holland
those who care to keep in touch can still reach me at losrats@aol.com
Thanks, Chris and LosRats, and best of luck.