A Review of the Fall 1996 Tour

Date: November 26

Subject: Concert Review -- Nov. 26, Strand Theatre, Providence RI From: mtrainor@juno.com (Matt Trainor) This was my first Tool concert...I'm forced to wonder if Tool is choosing their opening bands on the basis of making Tool look and sound even better than they already are. From what I hear, the Cows are some kinda awful, but they can't be much worse than Psychotica was last nite. Boy o boy were they horrible. The dipshit lead singer comes out in his rubber suit, giving the usual concert inanities; "I fuckin love you Providence, this is our favorite place in the whole fuckin country blah blah blah..." Sings an almost OK song... "You're all fuckin beautiful, i wanna fuck you all blah blah blah... Here's a song that Christians hate us for..." another song, this one worse than the first, not one understandable lyric in the whole thing, plus they got this friggin Bullwinkle lookalike girl singer, with her hair in antlers, that really can't sing too well, and in between singing, she just kinda walks around, doing an almost- air guitar, shakin her hand and shit. VERY lame. back to the amazing rubber man; "Here's one called icy frozen hell (or something like that) cuz it's FUCKIN COLD OUT!" another, even worse song. next song "It's 1996, and we are a CYBER-NATION", leading to a REALLY lame song, as usual, very few lyrics are understandable. then (thankfully) the last song; "Here's one called (living dead or walking dead or some shit like that)" yet another lame-ass song. they were all really loud, really lame, and most had these nasty strobe lights that caused everyone to shut their eyes, cuz they were so bright, and gave you a nasty headache if you looked at em. finally they finished. about 40 minutes later, Tool finally came out. lights blacked out, screens dropped, and they showed the album cover animation, but the edges looked more like flames than the CD cover does.... First song, Stinkfist. Maynard had a second mic for this one, i'm pretty sure it was an effects mic to give the kinda far-off sound you hear in the the verses of the song. however, it was either tuned wrong, or Maynards voice was fucked up from touring, cuz it sounded almost like he was on helium... it was like that to a lesser extent thru all the songs though. We were in the balcony, which in this theatre is pretty nice, good close view and all, becuase most of the floor below is a big pit, and we just wanted to see and hear... there was ONE dipshit a couple rows in front of us, who really shoulda been on the floor. he was all thrashing around during the heavy songs, and was a general schmuck, trying to pick a couple fights occasionally. Next song was 46&2, "For those of you who are lost.... or Tooled"...Then Eulogy. Then Prison Sex (extended version, my first time hearing it, but i could barely make out what he was saying...). after that Maynard actually spoke (which he hardly did at all thru the nite). "That song is called Prison Sex [shitload of cheering]. It's about recognizing the cycles of abuse. this next song's about dealing with it"...played jimmy. after that i can't quite remember the order of songs, i think it went Sweat, H, then 5 minute or so pause, introducing Justin; "This is Justin. [some cheering]. He's French/Polish, grew up in New Zealand" I was laughing my ass off, but very few others got the joke. How many nationalities is that for him now? i've heard Irish etc.... then was a LONG kinda intro to Sober, started off with Danny just kinda slappin around on the drums, turning into a beat, and Justin makin some noise, feedback etc. This whole time (probably at least five minutes) Maynard seemed to be doing Yoga forms or something, hell maybe just stretching. Adam was creepier. he was kneeling down near his pedals, i thought he was adjusting them, but then he just froze. i mean FROZEN. i didn't see him move AT ALL during the intro thing. i'd look away, and he'd be in a different position, but still COMPLETELY still. After Sober, was Opiate; "this is our last song..... [HUGE booing]... from our first album [cheering]." Unfortunately, it WAS the last song. "we have to go now" we waited a good 5-10 minutes for a possible encore or something, but all the techs were really breaking down all the equipment, so we left. they played for about an hour and a half, but only 9 songs. I was pretty disappointed in that, and the fact that Maynard was so quiet, said NOTHING to the crowd aside from what i've told here. He seemed very weary, or tired i think. not so much tired physically, but mentally from all the touring i think. don't get me wrong, his heart seemed to be in the performance, but it was like the old "mind strong, body weak" thing i guess.... All in all, WELL worth my $16.50, except maybe the $10 for parking... we were in the garage waiting to get out for well over an hour. THAT sucked. can't wait til spring tour, hopefully they'll hit the New England area earlier in the tour or something, so Maynard won't seem so drained. later /\\att