Date: November 29
From: "Kris" ( Subject: Montreal, 29th nov '96 Concert Review Montreal, 29th of November 1996 The show was moved to another location to make place for 500 more tool fans. The Medley was to small so they moved it to the Metropolis. I was more than happy after that change. The acoustics are so much better. I got in a little late but at 9:00, Psychotica opened up the show and played for 30 minutes. I was not impressed but was happy that the cows were left in the fields. :) The signer was in a unatractive latex suit and bashed his head like a seasure prone freak. He screamed so often and was gettin on one to many nerves. When they finished bashing their instruments a 30 minute wait greated us and the anticipation was unreal. Just past 10:00, the 2 drapes fell to the ground to reveal the most impressive projection screans. The 'nima logo was glowing and moving. (That Square thing). I thought that they would open the show with Stinkfist but the familiar sounds of Third Eye proved me wrong. Just the first minute told me that this was going to be one hell of a show. Maynard : (Center Stage) He coughed a few times but that didn't affect much. His vocals were dead on and I couldn't believe his voice. During Pushit, missed one of his screams by 1/8 of a note. Besides that, no mistakes. He was holding two microphones, one normal one for signing, and one red one for distorted vocals. He was dressed in his boxers and had his left side painted blue, and right side painted white. Adam : (Left of stage) He was painted blue and had a special paint on his nose and chin that would glow pink when a blacklight was activated. He would stare in the crowd and almost never look at his guitar, not even for solo's or such things. His guitar skills were more than impressive and he reproduced every sound like in the CD. Justin : (Right Stage) He was painted white and was looking like his devilish self once again. His hair was spiked to represent the horns of Satan. He showed us that he is a better player than Paul, and he fits in as if has always been with Tool. Danny : (Back Center) He put on the best drumming show I have ever seen. His solo's were amazing and he could do things only few drummers could. He improved his CD beats with more variations and better solo's. Excellent drummer. Maynard didn't talk much. After the first song he said "Montreal". Before Prison Sex, he talked about the cycles of abuse. Prison Sex represents the first one and that there is a second one.(Jimmy is the second but he didn't say that) During Prison Sex right before the solo, they played a Jimmy extract for 10 seconds then hoped back in Prison Sex. Was Cool. The intro to Sober lasted almost 10 minutes and the beginning to Cold and Ugly was totally different. The Best: 'nema and Pushit The Worst: The slam was a little rough but not as bad as other shows. The Weird: Seeing Maynard blowing through this thinga ma jiggy in Eulogy The Set List: (Most likely wrong order) Third Eye, Forty Six & 2, Stinkfist, Eulogy, Cold and Ugly, Sober, Prison Sex, Pushit, Opiate, 'nema Kristopher Zawadka