A Review of the Fall 1996 Tour

Date: December 9

From: SPXD12C@prodigy.com (MISS JOY A TOUNDAS) Subject: TOOL at Masquerades in Tampa, Fl I went to see TOOL with 3 of my friends and no tickets...we got lucky! The place was some what big yet largely over crowded. First some lamo band called Phsycotica played a real bad yet entertaining opening set. They finally finished. TOOL came out on to the dark stage, the large black cloth lifted from the massive sized drums, the lights dimmed, Keenen's back turned to the audience, when suddenly....."hehehehe-heh.." a series of whispering "heh's" sounding as if he were singing into a phone, introduced the first played song of this amazing evening, Eulogy. They had a tribal way to them: Keenan's half green half white painted body and fluid movements, the way the band as one entity keeping on a tight note and playing half a second slower than on the album. Twas brilliance, fascinating, beautiful, identifying....the way a song would start almost soft and build into something more emaculate then jerk and come back down. The music drilled me, sent massive shocks of pure energy right to my brain creating stimulus. The fluidity and beauty of the music offered such an asphyxiating emotion that I couldn't prevent the tears that seeped out, I make the thunder in my heart disappear, it was like....my fuel. They were that intense to me, not anyone else, just me .. .. ..so loud .. so.. .so .. .loud..... I almost fainted at the end of it all I couldn't stand up on my own. I was scooped up and carried out and we lost the other two, knowing we would find them outside. Funny thing is, when TOOL's music stopped, I seem to have stopped along with it, my body and it's muscles decided to give out. No band has ever had such an emotional or physical effect on me, no one else, just.....me, I suppose ____ Sylvi Slovenly