A Review of the Fall 1996 Tour

Date: December 19

Tony Costantino ngru11b@prodigy.com Here's my review I'm wearing my white Counter-Culture shirt with a "FUCK KROQ" phrase that I put on the front with magic marker to make fun of our local sell-out alternative station. They had a little broadcast tent that said "tool shed" all over it. My yelling was for you, kabir!!! Copycat bastards. This was set up in a little body of water so I walked over and began yelling things like "play No Doubt again, play it all the time!!!!!!Play the cool stuff only! Over and over!." Then we waited for 15 minutes by throwing pennies at them and attempting to key a Hummer they set up for the station. We entered the theatre (large place), only to be approached by a midget (he was, really!) security guy who told us to come with him. So on our way back out front he informed us that the KROQ people had been complaining about our harassment, while I told him we were just skipping pennies. The shortstuff backed down when the pussies dj's who were in the tent didn't show up, so he told us not to screw around or he'd throw us out. I was scared. We played musical seats for a while because only the 100 lucky KROQ dumbshit listeners got "Pit Passes", which meant that there were only about 10 people in the entire pit that weighed more than 200 pounds. Looked like a Green Day concert. Psychotica came on, and as an educated person I have to say that everything I've heard about them was wrong. They were incredible. They were a killer techno-metal mix band that had fantastic sound. The cellist added his deep sound to the guitarist while the singer pat had a great voice backed up by reeka, the pig-tailed psycho-bitch. I thought they were better than tool, as I will explain. Their songs were fast and short and all sounded great. I'm buying their album definitely. They played for about 45 minutes, singing songs like cybernation and what is god. They were great. I just listened to their album today, and they sounded 100% better live. Don't know why. The lights went off and the smoky hole aenima screen came up, while a jacob's ladder powered up to show some ions. There were a couple of decorative figures in Jiu-Jitsu positions on the amps. Tool then entered. Maynard was half and half, grey on the left and blue on the right, while adam and justin were all blue. They opened with third eye, which I loved but failed to get the mainstreamers hopping around like they usually do. Now, they sounded FUCKING TERRIBLE. I don't know if it was the sound system, or because it's such a big theatre, or because they looked very, very tired, but they sounded terrible. Maynard was hitting wrong notes through a few songs, so was adam, and danny couldn't get the triplet part (fuck this and that) right in aenema. It was weird, I felt embarrassed. It just didn't come together, they sounded separate, not together and whole like they should have. No pits broke out in the aisles like they should have. I saw my midget friend trying to apprehend a would-be mosher by grabbing him y the belt, but was simply dragged away by the guy who either didn't notice him or didn't care as he made his way to his seat. Stinkfist followed, then it was 46 & 2, which was cool because they had the visual thing up which showed a replica of a cell, with little sprockets going and transformations taking place. Then it was cold and ugly, followed by eulogy, H, jimmy, and pushit. Maynard said "We've got a special treat for you. We're gonna read you a little recipe." Some guy (sounds like the same guy on the album) came out in a poofy chef's hat and read the recipe for Die Eier Von Satan, while Adam and Justin really opened it up and they used the track for everything else. It was funny, I was yelling and putting the "ooohs" and "aaaahs" in all the right places. They then started the medley thing while Danny did a little drum solo (IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME!!!!) which had me going crazy and the other three sat down. Maynard was laying down and adam and justin were fooling with the effects which led them int Sober. Then they did the standard "This is our last song" "BOOOOOO!!!!" "From our first album" YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Maynard said "Anyone who's ever lived in Hollywood will know what it's like to get fucked by someone. There are good people in the world and there are people who fuck it up. This song is about agents" Opiate was okay. "We have another treat for you." It was a Sick and Twisted Animation Festival-type cartoon with 4 kids who sat there cussing eachother out with racial and weight-related remarks. All of a sudden Jesus showed up because he had a beef with Santa spoiling the spirit of Christmas. In short, the two icons threw fireballs, accidentally killed a couple of kids and got in a grappling fight while the kids settled it out and cartoon rats came and gnawed away the juvenile remains. That was hilarious. Maynard then tried to explain how colonics are related to finding your emotional state. I knew that maybe 100 people in the entire crowd understood what he was talking about. "People like Carl Jung (pronounced "young" for you non-philosophical types) talk about hydroponics and how they can find the bad emotional states that you have because they have certain frequencies, and they can find the places these feelings congregate by looking for the frequencies, and they find that by shooting hot water up your poop chute they can read your entire past emotional state." Most people around me didn't give a fuck about this, they just sat there grunting "More hard music! Fast music! Duh!" It was a nice introspective look into their beliefs. Aenema was okay. I have to say that one thing I don't like about bands is when they sound different from the album. Tool had switched a lot of stuff that night. Overall it sucked but it was okay to see them again. They were just tired. On the way out I saw my midget friend with a kroq shirt. He must have been their trained bitch. le had been compl