- old news: november 2000 - |
[11/30/00] - "Salival" will be out within two weeks, and is now available for pre-order at CDNow. Thanks to Dan Hurlburt (djhurlbu@syr.edu) and a slew of other people for sending in a scan of the ad for "Salival" appearing in various magazines this month. The text of the ad shows the words "Tool Dissectional, LLC", suggesting their further control of their music, and also says "available for a limited time." What "limited" means, nobody knows yet. The ad came out last week, and would have been posted here if there wasn't that turkey-business keeping me occupied. Check out this image on the "Salival" info page, linked above.[11/28/00] - Yet again, I go on vacation for Thanksgiving, and something happens in Tool-land. Another lawsuit has befallen the band, though this time it comes from former manager Ted "I Managed Jane's Addiction too" Gardner. Essentially claiming the band owes him some money, more of the story comes from Allstar News and is listed here (in the Articles section of this site). Thanks to Mark Clough (mars_to_uranus@hotmail.com) for the heads-up while I was away.
[11/22/00] - So, VH1 has named Tool as the 88th greatest artist on their 100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock countdown. Funny that I work there and forgot to mention that a few weeks ago when it happened. Thanks to everyone who emailed me for not letting me forget that. "Salival" is almost out, and more info is trickling in about foreign release dates. Australia is now rumored to get it the day before the USA, on the 11th. Steve Johnson (steve@hibrow.co.uk) found a snip of info in Kerrang! magazine, saying only that Music For Nations (Tool's label in the UK) will release the boxset early next year. And one more time, sorry to all you AOL users who got blocked from the site for two weeks because AOL has a strange caching system in place. Hopefully that won't ever happen again.
[11/17/00] - I am on vacation until the 28th, so things may be a little slow(er) around here. To tide you over, someone who asked to stay anonymous got an image now believed to be the cover art to "Salival"! If so, this would be another Tool album to not feature the title on the cover. Check the "Salival" info page for the image, as well as a detailed spec sheet on the package which was sent in by Robin Epstein (robin@razorfish.com). Hope all this will keep you happy for a few days. You saw it here first (unless you didn't). Thanks to Chris Brightwell (webdork@mindspring.com) for pointing out that the January issue of Alternative Press magazine features a cover story on Tool. The magazine, which has featured yours truly twice in the past, should hit stands early next month.
[11/12/00] - "Salival" will be out one month from today, though some people are still finding places reporting it will be out on December 5th. Lots of speculation floating around about the new song "Merkaba." There is a Zaum song with the same name, though there's no word if they are the same - Zaum, you might recall, was a project featuring Danny on drums. "Merkaba" is a spiritual term, apparently a form of meditation, which would make sense if it is the long noisy live intro to "Sober" which usually features Maynard introspective onstage. Chad Montgomery (cmontgom@brg.com) has dug up merkaba.org, for those of you interested in the further spiritual lessons associated with Tool's music. And no, it is not "merhaba" which is "hello" in Turkish. As for the "No Quarter" excerpt posted here earlier, I've received a torrent of email informing me that it is available in various places online. This I've known for a long time and never posted. I'm personally surprised it took until this year for it to escape; trust me when I say there are people who have had it since 1996 and kept it under wraps. Look, the fact is that posting it here would probably not make the band very happy. They're probably already not happy that it is floating around out there. Actually, word is that they are planning on making NO advance copies of the next album, in order to keep it from hitting Napster before it is out. So just like no old Tool songs are posted here (go buy the album), no new ones will be either (go buy the album). There are lots of places to find 'em online, anyway. Live and learn. Turns out that while most people are able to browse the latest content online, AOL users aren't always so lucky. In order to reduce Internet congestion, they have special caching servers set up which save copies of web pages once AOL users download them, so the next AOL user won't always see the newest copy, just the one saved in the cache. This explains why some AOL users, after 6 days, still can't reload this site after the "go vote" page was up; and may explain why so many AOLers miss out on the most up-to-date news. We're reconfiguring the server here to try to fix this problem in the future. Sigh. Sorry to all of you AOL users for not being aware of this.
[11/9/00] - Totally off-topic: the previous news post, regarding the Election Message, referred to a page which a lot of you didn't see, and which I forgot to link. Oops. Here it is. At the time of this writing, the vote is still totally jacked up. Makes me want to ralph.
[11/7/00] - Well, as most of you know, this site was down for about 28 hours ending just now, replaced with a message that you should go vote. I got a whole lot of email about it. I wrote back to as much as I could; thanks for understanding if I haven't gotten back to you. I was getting way too much mail, pro- and con- to leave that message up. Many people supported what I did, many railed against it, but few were indifferent. That was the goal here - to get as many of you as possible to care, to feel, to think. I got accused by some people of not "thinking for myself" -- only one wrote, "you thought for yourself and did what YOU thought was important. If only one more person votes, you made a difference." Some said I prevented people for thinking for themselves, waving my opinion around. Some said I made people think for themselves, confronting them with a stance. So if you agree with me, great. If you have your own opinions otherwise, hey, if we can agree to disagree, that's good enough for me. I took down some misleading statements I had made ... hey, I'm not a machine, nor am I perfect. I had an opinion to express, and if you feel I abused the popularity of this site or got overzealous, sorry. Don't forget I've been the only one running this site for five years. Live and learn. But no hard feelings. It won't happen again anyway. So to help you agree to bury the hatchet, I think you deserve a little reward. Here to help smooth things out between us is a 16-second long, 256 kbps audio clip of the not-yet-released studio version of "No Quarter" you've been waiting for for so long. No, I can't get a full version. You'll just have to wait until "Salival" comes out.
[11/2/00] - Alright kids, it has a title, a tracklist, and a release date, so all that's left is the waiting. Tool's first release in over four years, the project formerly known as the "DVD / VHS live CD and boxset", will be released on December 12 and is called "Salival." The tracklist conforms almost exactly to the one reported by this site earlier, though it lists a live version of "Third Eye" instead of the conjectured "Spasm", and offers an entirely new name for one track! "Merkaba" is reported to be some kind of intro to "Sober", though an exact description is still unavailable. Check out the compiled details on this release on the "Salival" info page, listed in the calendar above. Special thanks to Alex Ovaitt (alexinchains0@hotmail.com), Stephanie Greco (stephaniegreco@home.com), Bugs Henderson, and Maynard for bringing all this information together. A new issue of the Official Tool Newsletter is out, available here. As always, all backissues are archived in the Community section of this site.