Info here is covered in / superseded by the FAQ, and may no longer be valid.
It is provided only for historical interest.
old news: january - february 2006 letters on a page with no meaning anymore ![]()
old overview what it looked like back then | ||||||||||||||
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[02/28/06] - Less Tour? | More Festival!
Not sure what's going on, but has been updated to drop four of the previously confirmed tour dates (June 11, 13, 14, and 27). §
In other news, it looks like Tool will be playing the Download Festival, according to their website. [Posted by Chris] §
[02/27/06] - More Euro Festivals
I just posted a whole slew of CONFIRMED tour dates to the tour section, thanks to the kind folks @ Two shows on our list are still unconfirmed and are looking to be less and less likely.
If you can help confirm or disprove these dates, please contact us. [Posted by Chris] §
[02/26/06] - Release Dates in Oz, Japan | Download Festival
I've gotten reports from several people that JJJ in Australia is announcing April 29 as the release date for the new album. If I know my CD release trivia, Australia now releases CDs on Saturday, so this makes sense. Blabbermouth also posted a news update claiming a May 10 release in Japan. §
In tour news, eFestivals UK seems to think that Tool will be playing this year's Download Festival, scheduled for June 9-11 at Donington Park in England.
[Posted by Chris] §
[02/20/06] - First review of the new album!
A bunch of people have emailed this one in this morning: Andy King at has posted his review of the new album (it appears to be the first published review of the as-yet-untitled record). You can read it in the Opinion section in the New Album forum (it will be posted to Articles eventually). He mentions 11 tracks, though some melt together a la "Disposition / Reflection / Triad", and one or two are "segues" in the vein of "Mantra" or "Faaip de Oiad." He also mentions that it rocks to the point that hearing it makes him almost cry and pleasure himself. At least he's honest.
[Posted by Kabir] §
[02/14/06] - Release date?
A few sources are now floating May 2nd as the release date for the forthcoming Tool album. No confirmation of this yet, or of the album title yet. §
Oh and Happy Valentine's Day! [Posted by Kabir] §
[02/13/06] - More Euro Festivals
Tool will play the Nova Rock festival in Austria this year, which takes place on June 15. They will also play Rock Werchter, scheduled for June 29 - July 2 in Belgium. [Posted by Chris] §
[02/08/06] - New album
Rumors continue to fly around about album release dates, and now rumors are out about the title of the new album. A Seattle radio station this morning announced the title would be "Elephtheria", to which Maynard's response was "nice try." Even more amusing were the song titles they announced (these bogus names are here only so you can laugh and ask yourself if these sound more like Tool titles or Limp Bizkit titles) -- "Greed Lies", "Psychiatrical", "Karma", and "Feminist Souls." Yikes.
The new album title will be publicly announced first on the Tool Army site, and will probably spread like wildfire from there... [Posted by Kabir] §
[02/07/06] - We have Quart-er after all
A few readers have written in to tell us that Tool has been confirmed for the Quart Festival, scheduled for July 4-8. [Posted by Chris] §
[02/06/06] - Reading Festival
According to, Tool will be playing this year's Reading Festival in England, August 25-27.§
Italian concert promoter Live in Italy has posted some Italian Tool dates. Check the tour section for details. [Posted by Chris] §
[02/02/06] - Pinkpop Confirmed
Tool has been confirmed for the Pinkpop Festival, June 3-5. [Posted by Chris] §
[02/01/06] - An Old Friend | A New Festival | Mastered!
Happy February! The Tour section of this site, long dormant (three years without any significant update) is now back to its old duty of keeping track of all upcoming Tool shows. [Posted by Kabir] §
Tool has been confirmed for the Rock am Ring / Rock im Park festival, scheduled for June 2-4, 2006. Is anyone else getting the feeling that this might be a Tool / Depeche Mode world tour? [Posted by Chris] §
Maynard writes to say that the mastering of the new album is nearly done. We can probably expect it to be released before long, to go along with their upcoming live shows in Europe this spring/summer and tour in the USA afterwards. [Posted by Kabir] §
[01/31/06] - Tool @ Coachella Festival | Greenfield, too?
Although nothing has been posted to the official Coachella website, several websites (1, 2, 3) are reporting that Tool will join Depeche Mode, Sigur Ros, and others in headlining this year's festival, which is scheduled for April 29-30, 2006. Tool headlined the same festival in 1999. §
Also, it looks like Tool will be playing the Greenfield Festival. I'm not multi-lingual by any means, but a handful of online translation tools (heh) all agree that Tool will be playing the June 16-18 festival. [Posted by Chris] §
[01/25/06] - Tool @ Roskilde Festival
According to the official Roskilde website, Tool has been confirmed to play the festival this year. The festival will take place June 29 - July 2.
Between this announcment and Blair's latest announcement on about a stretch of Euro promotional interviews and such, there seems to be something brewing across the pond. Summer tour, maybe? §
The news post below about the "Quart" festival is still unconfirmed. [Posted by Chris] §
[01/12/06] - UK DVD | Prime numbers
Steve Just writes from London that the "Schism" and "Parabola" DVDs will be released in the UK on February 6th. Only a few more weeks... §
Also, some of you missed your chance yesterday to wish Kabir a happy birthday! [Posted by Kabir] §
[01/06/06] - Summer Tour?
"Ruby", a forum member from Norway, writes, "The national channel TV2 here in Norway reported today that Tool will play the Quart festival this summer." That festival is currently scheduled for July 4-8. Other Norwegian fans have emailed this same info in, but the website of the festival does not show Tool playing. Consider it unconfirmed for now. [Posted by Chris / Kabir] §
Minor site changes are not listed above -- they aren't really news.