A Review of the Fall 1996 Tour

Date: November 1

From: "J.D.Sherill " (eeyore@getnet.com) Subject: Tool Nov1/96(Mesa) What a show! I missed The Cows which was a good thing from the looks of the other reviews. The show started with about 3 minutes of intense throbbing bass accompanied with a strobing movie of the AEnima cover(minus the eyes). The band came out and started with third eye, which was undescribable to say the least. As the set continued, the band played mostly new songs, Eulogy, H, Jimmy, Hooker with a penis, etc. They were all great and sounded perfect, like they were taken right off the album, besides a few minor word changes("I am too, connected to you to, slip away" instead of "connected to, slip away" and I believe he said "use you" instead of "guide you" in opiate). Like mentioned in the other reviews, Tool did start Sober with a breathtaking jam/drumsolo/intro. The pit was insane, especially during opiate. During Sober, there was a video with the "Sober guy" that was extremely different from the original Sober video. I went crowd surfing after I had lost my breathe in the pit and found my self in the security area in between the stage and the crowd, staring into Maynards eyes, dumbfounded. All in all the concert was incredible. The highlight for me was meeting the band about an hour and a half after the show. We talked to Maynard and Danny mostly (Danny said that Adams excuse for not coming out to sign autographs was that he was "playing video games"), and Danny informed us that "Nard" was the one that moved to Arizona. Danny was a really cool guy. He chilled with us for about 40 minutes and just talked to us, answering questions about the band and Harry Manback etc. Maynard and Justin were really cool too, just a bit more reserved. eeyore feel free to contact me for more info.