the tool page

spark becomes a flame

This site is no longer being updated. See here for details. Follow me here and here for updates. Thank you for 22 great years.



It seems that people really do "read it for the articles." If you have an article that is not listed here, hit the Contribute icon below and see your name in lights. Pixels. Whatever.

Most articles here are not available elsewhere online; they were typed up by hand for toolshed by fans who had a physical copy of the publication and wanted to contribute to the community.

Note: From 2003 to 2020 (!) there was a note here saying "we are working on the new article posting software; once that is done, we hope to get a long backlog of articles online." It never got done, so now in 2020 (with tons of quarantine time on my hands) that whole backlog has finally been posted, denoted with yellow arrows.

There are currently 458 articles archived here, including 96 added in 2020.

kabir/akhtar | kabir@t.d.n