the tool page

this is necessary

This site is no longer being updated. See here for details. Follow me here (and here) for updates. Thank you for 22 great years.



Articles marked with yellow arrow () were added in 2020. Enjoy.

December 2000, Official Salival Webcast (VERY long custom transcript of a webcast with all four guys)
December 2000, (no description available)
December 2000, ("Salival" review)

November 2000, CDNow Allstar (news of the Larrikin - Tool lawsuit)

October 2000, Metal Edge (P.O.D. bashes Maynard, hehehe...)

September 2000, NY Rock (Maynard talks about APC, Charles Manson, Napster)
September 2000, Tape Op (tech talk w/David Bottrill + a just-for-t.d.n-transcript of talk w/Danny!)

August 2000, OOR (Dutch magazine on A Perfect Circle, big business, selling out)

July 2000, Revolver (no description yet)

May 2000, Guitar One (props to Adam)
May 2000, (no description available)

April 2000, Sydney Morning Herald (no description available)
April 2000, Wall of Sound (Maynard talks about kicking off APC's tour with NIN)

March 2000, Billboard (on Maynard joining A Perfect Circle)
March 2000, MTV News Online (about APC's first album release)
March 2000, Seventeen (one-liner by lame magazine)

Sometime 2000, (Adam talks about his guitar approach)


kabir/akhtar | kabir@t.d.n