the tool page

breathe in union

This site is no longer being updated. See here for details. Follow me here (and here) for updates. Thank you for 22 great years.



Articles marked with yellow arrow () were added in 2020. Enjoy.

Sometime 1998, Eye (no description available)

December 1998, Hit Parader (where Tool is going from here)

October 1998, Modern Drummer (Modern Drummer festival review)

August 1998, Oklahoma Gazette (concert pre-review)
August 1998, Metal Edge ( no description available yet. )
August 1998, Live Tool ( no description available yet. )

July 1998, The Indianapolis News (no description available yet.)
July 1998, The Official Ozzfest '98 Magazine (no description available yet.)
July 1998, San Antonio Express-News Weekender (no description available yet.)
July 1998, Circus ( no description available yet. )

April 1998, Kerrang (review of 1998 Palladium shows in LA)
April 1998, ReutersVariety (Online) (LA shows, concert reviews)
April 1998, Modern Drummer (Danny answers some questions)

March 1998, (no description available yet.)
March 1998, Arizona Republic (Tool is different and this site is part of that)

January 1998, Circus (on Tool's post-Lollapalooza direction)


kabir/akhtar | kabir@t.d.n