Publication: Sydney Morning Herald
Date: April, 2000
Transcribed by
Paul Bamman (
Paul Bamman (
page: 13 title: Heavier brand of metal dumps the usual grunt author: Bernard Zuel Tool - Entertainment Centre, April 24 The audience are predominantly male, with clothing in various shades of black. They leap into the air with clenched fists and surge forwards and back in unison. Behind the band, video screens show striking images, pulsating in time with the we-don't-dance-for-no-one rhythm. And the volume is extreme: there are rib-rattling bass, throat- clutching drums and a guitar that peels your eyeballs. So far, so metal ... and you could probably write the rest of the review yourself: lots of thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening etc. But wait, it's not that straightforward. Let's start with the big screens. Normally metal bands will use these to throw up conventional footage of war or speed or damage. They don't say anything except maybe "urgh, life stinks" or "faster pussycat kill kill kill". But Tool are confronting in their artistic intent and their images go from liquid sky and bodies moving through water to jerky callisthenics and scientific neutrality and then shift into challenging (you could say stomach churning) footage including a woman's finger moving under a man's eyelid and silent screams. It's often very disturbing but you can't break down their message into something to put on the tour T-shirt; sometimes you can't understand it at all. But who said you have to understand everything? Then there's the music. Along with an obvious debt to Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult and early Metallica, there are elements of prog kings King Crimson and even art punks Pere Ubu, and that's something you won't find in the clodhopping thump and whine of what passes for metal these days in the likes of Korn, Limp Bizkit and their acolytes. Time signatures shift, tone rises and falls, nuggets of beauty can just be discerned deeply buried and the song structures reveal themselves to be complex but effortless. Even though after an hour - halfway through the concert - I was already exhausted from the physical and mental pummelling (is it possible to get colonic concussion?), it had become clear how else Tool were different: there is no aggression. Tool don't lack for force and drive: as I said earlier, this was loud, very loud and the rolling waves of drums and bass are relentless. And Maynard James Keenan isn't exactly celebrating love and marriage, horse and carriage when he sings. But lyrically and musically this isn't easy teen angst packaging. There is no call to arms, no celebration of poor benighted "us" against the bastard "them". It's all more intelligent, more demanding than that.
Posted to t.d.n: 04/29/02 00:28:10