Publication: Rock Sound
Date: April, 2001
Transcribed by
Matthew Coleman (
Matthew Coleman (
page: title: Tool - 'Salival' Review author: Nick Griffiths Live albums, video clips, extra features, 300 page colour booklets on the making of, behind the scenes footage blah, blah, blah. Another cheap cash-in for money grabbing bands with more money than sense, backed up by corporate label big wigs rubbing their bean counters with unrestrained capitalist spittle dripping from their gaping maws. But by god this is Tool! Far from me waxing lyrical about money hungry bands, this is an absolute must have, must buy, must steal, beg or borrow item from one of THE essential bands of the decade. Backing up the release of their, as yet, untitled new album ëSalivalí is a lavish CD/DVD/Book package capturing Messrs. Maynard James Keenan et al in concert, backstage, on the loo etc, etc. The CD profiles Toolís effervescent live show, studio rarities and cover versions, all mood and dynamics with a smattering of tracks from ëOpiateí, ëUndertowí and ëAenimaí. Live, as with Perfect Circle, Maynardís vocals are the obvious central strand holding things together ñ soaring from guttural growls to majestic highs accompanied by the sublime roar of guitars of Adam Jones and the jazz infused thrash metal clatter of Daniel Careyís tub thumping make this, for those who have yet to witness Tool live, an essential listen. The unreleased tracks offer more questions than answers with a healthy hybrid of all three albums and a Led Zep cover thrown in for good measure. The DVD portion contains the videos for ëSoberí, ëPrison Sexí, ëAenimaí and the fantastic ëStinkfistí which all transcend the boundaries of modern music videos whilst retaining Toolís own unique stamp of the weird and the wonderful. The booklet contains photos, artwork, press shots and a myriad of Tool flavoured musings which simply adds the cherry on top of the cake. Always engaging, and never dull, this is an essential purchase. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, where do I begin? What a horrible review. Itís well meaning enough, but do I really need to point out the discrepancies? ëÖin concert, on the looÖí? What part of the set was this on? Have I missed something? ëÖjazz infused thrash metal clatter of Daniel Careyís tub thumpingÖí? Where is he getting this? He seems to be using words like ëeffervescentí, ëmyriadí and ëhybridí without knowing the meanings or the correct context in which to use the words! There are no songs from ëUndertowí on the CD, yet he says ëÖ with a smattering of tracks from ëOpiateí, ëUndertowí and ëAenimaí. What lazy journalismÖ The worst part is where he uses the phrase ëThe unreleased tracks offer more questions than answersÖí without justifying the use of it at all! Well enjoy (or not), Itís interesting reading none-the-lessÖ
Posted to t.d.n: 04/03/01 13:21:00