Publication: Guitar World
Date: August, 1993
Transcribed by
Carlo Munguia (
Carlo Munguia (
page: 17 title: Tool: Adam Jones, Road Scholar author: Daniel B. Levine "I love to tour, but I hate to wait," says Adam Jones, guitarist for L.A.'s Tool. "Unfortunatley, most of touring is waiting- waiting to get to the gig, waiting to go on, waiting to eat, waiting to go to the hotel..." So when Jones isn't onstage beating his Gibson Silverburst Les Paul into the tortured heaviness of Undertow, his band's first full-length album, he finds creative ways to pass the time: "I use my down-time to come up with new material for the band," says the guitarist. Though Jones carries an inordinate amount of recording equipment on the road, he doesn't just write new songs. "Tool is much more to me than just a band," he says. "I'm interested iun many different art forms, and Tool is a way for me to express myself in those ways." Among his creations are Undertow's twisted CD booklet and the band's promotional materials. "The major reason we signed with Zoo Entertainment was because they were willing to give us control over those materials," he says. Jones also brings a movie camera on tour to record his band's life on the road. "We make a mini-documentary every time we go out," he says. "One day we'll put them all together and release a home video." Jones isn't new to the cinema-he's worked on special effects for Terminator 2 and Jurassic Park. The thought of him combining the crushing music of Tool with the quality of movie-making is nothing less then frightening. We can hardly wait.
Posted to t.d.n: 08/15/99 16:21:18