Publication: Metalized (Danish Magazine)
Date: December 1996, Issue 29
Transcribed by "Nikolaj H.T.P." (
I will do my best to translate into some comprehensible english. But if you find some big errors, then you are free to change them. TOOL: ÆNIMA Finaly! FINALY! F-I-N-A-L-Y!!! The third record from Tool is on the streets, and as usual one is exposed to something completely unique. Tool have created something exeptional by the means of the most simple instruments in rock - Guitar, Bass and drums. To put it short, Tool have become synonymous with musical art!!! Since the debut ep "Opiate", the band have had their own indescribable glommy sound, where the madness and the hate constantly (smoulder?) beneath the crooked rythms and Maynards phenomenal voice. From "just" being a sort of strange rythm hard rock, Tool have gradualy developed into a manydimensional(?) insane company. On "Ænima" the expresion of "Undertow" have been developed into a more psychic, insinuating af revolting growth. The result is a both tough and fine rock with roots way back in the 70's hash sounds. Maynards vocal have been turned down, so that in one moment it's peeping around between Guitar and drums, the next it's atacking wildly. He uses his voice like an instrument, like for example Chris Cornell, and he push so much melody and rythm into every single word, that the the power from the speakers form into goose-flesh over the entire body, when he and the rest of the band form a single unit. Without further comparising, Maynards vocal sounds a litle like Tracy Chapman. I could keep on praisin this record. Everything that Tool has touched until now has turned into gold. Ænima is something even heavyer and moer valuable metal!! Score: Produktion: 8 Cover: 7 In all: 10 (maximum) Herluf Torp