Publication: Q
Date: December, 2001
Transcribed by
Dhalz (
Dhalz (
page: title: New Releases author: Dan Silver Reviewed: December 2001 Genre: Heavy Metal Label: MUSICFORNATIONS Release Date: 2001-05-14 00:00:00 Key Tracks: Schism, The Patient, Lateralus Tool are as close as heavy metal gets to a genuine enigma. The quartet's almost avant garde approach is light years removed from even that genre's skewed idea of commercialism, and yet their records sell by the million. Similarly, publicity-shy frontman Maynard James Keenan has achieved iconic status among headbangers despite a tendency to perform live wearing a bustier and accessorised, arse-length wig. It's no surprise then that Lateralus, the band's first album for five years, requires multiple listens just to even scratch its matt-black surface. The churning riffs at the heart of hulking epics Parabola and Ticks & Leeches provide initial entry points, but ultimately it's Tool's experimental, borderline progressive, edge that proves most rewarding. Inventive and intense, songs like The Grudge and Schism are painstakingly - and patiently - constructed from countless layers and textures, the overall effect akin to translating latter-day Radiohead into Metallica's leaden lexicon. Extraordinary in every sense. Reviewed by Dan Silver
Posted to t.d.n: 11/28/02 10:26:21