Publication: Maxim Magazine
Date: January, 2001
Transcribed by
Ice Otter Hockey (sorry, I don't have one)
Ice Otter Hockey (sorry, I don't have one)
page: title: Salival review author: David Peisner Reviewed by David Peisner Since their 1993 debut, Tool’s taken art-metal pomposity to new heights, producing some heroic, pain-wracked guitar-rock in the process. They’ve proven there’s a market for such creative writhing— their last two efforts both went platinum—and the slickly-designed Salival is intended as a nice holiday bone to throw to fans. In the end though, it’s much ado about nothing. Packaged in a big, black box with a 60-plus page booklet of garish artwork, it’s hard to believe when you dig into this thing that there’s only one lousy CD with eight stinkin’ songs on it (plus a DVD with a few videos on it). Five of the songs are live versions of previously-released stuff that ramble on for at least nine minutes. The studio tracks range from irritating self-indulgences (“LAMC”) to engaging covers (Page and Plant’s “No Quarter”), but nothing’s essential. For die-hards, Salival will look really cool sitting on your shelf. And after a couple spins, that’s where it’ll stay.
Posted to t.d.n: 05/06/01 02:11:00