Publication: Sydney Tribe On-line
Date: June, 2001
Transcribed by
Paul Bamman (
Paul Bamman (
page: title: Tool - Lateralus review author: Jason Treuen Tool: Lateralus (Volcano / Zomba) With modern music drowning in a sea of pre-packaged, disposable angst, it's not surprising many looked to this release from Tool to deliver salvation. And fark, didn't we need it. With less meathead machismo than Limp Bizkit, more smarts than Linkin Park and simply more talent than both, this LA foursome's sheer scope and execution makes their colleagues look one-dimensional in the space of one song. It also helps that their frontman, Maynard Keenan Jones, can really sing. Essentially a prog-rock-metal band - in a spooky, grotesque, enigmatic kinda way - Tool brandish dark and epic wide- screen visions, built on shifting monstrous tectonic plates of sound and slightly disturbed soul. Mining metal more like Undertow than Aenima, yet less instantly engaging than the latter, Lateralus is unmistakably Tool, while peeling back yet another layer of skin. The centerpiece, for mine, is the single Schism, a gloriously dark track, hypnotic with an intricate, rolling riff and Maynard chanting about Jenga - "I know where the pieces fit / Cause I watched them tumble down". Cool. While their little intermission tracks are unnecessary, Lateralus does deliver, for the most part, some divine intervention and a welcome respite. Sure, it borders on arty sonic wankery at times, but it's what we love Tool for. It's the thinking-person's metal - not intellectually superior (although it is) as much as it provokes and demands thought. So you can ponder stuff while you jump up and down. Whether it betters Aenima or not will take more time to decide, but ultimately it's hard to fault Tool's naked ambition when so many other bands seem to take the easy way out. By Jason Treuen
Posted to t.d.n: 06/17/01 20:42:41