Publication: Politiken
Date: May, 2001
Transcribed by
Dan Bjørnstrup (
Dan Bjørnstrup (
page: title: The Last Mystery author: Erik Jensen Review of 'Lateralus' from the Danish newspaper "Politikken" Section 2 - Saturday may 12, 2001 - "ROCK AND MORE" Translation by Dan Bjørnstrup The last mystery Mysterious Tool has not drowned in their own myth, but on the contrary they have recorded their best album yet. An undefined and mysterious masterpiece. Tool is on a mission, which is all about giving back the meaning to rock without fundamentally changing the premises of the genre. One of the big mysteries still remaining in a still more self- exposing and commercially waving rock-music is named Tool. At once both clear-sighted and cryptic, the quartet from Los Angeles are capable of marveling their fans time after time. By using layers of sonorous powerful "heavy" rock in a constant changing between ferocious and spherical beauty hidden behind a curtain of almost incomprehensible lyrics. If anybody had thought it would be easier to understand Tool just because the band sells records by the million or because singer Maynard James headed down a more clear path with his successful sideproject A Perfect Circle, its time to rethink. The cover of the much awaited third album "Lateralus", the first from Tool in nearly five years(!), only reveals that the mystery is intact. You can not find a single word in the transparent booklet only watch the torso and face of man gradually disappearing into the big emptiness. Another example which shows that you should not try to understand but just let yourself carry away by the powerful atmosphere and outlets from the universe of the band. Do this and you will stumble upon an incredible wealth of tangled feelings, released frustration and mental beauty from maybe the most endowed rock-band on the earth. Inside on the cd itself "Lateralus" is not more mystifying than "Undertow" from 1993 or "Ænima" from 1996, on the contrary there is a vast musical clear-sight and weight on this spectacular album that fully lives up to the wildest expectations of the large number of faithful fans. The midsection of the album with the incredible powerful songs 'Schism', 'Parabola' and 'Ticks & Leeches' with its eight minutes of total powertripping is some of the most obsessing, wild and beautiful rock-music we have heard for years. It´s all formidable displays at an incredible level. With the story goes that 'Schism', being a seven minute long track, is the bands new single. Commercial conventions, adverts and radioplay are not necessary ingredients in the universe of Tool and thank god for that. On 'Schism', Maynard James Keenan´s voice often sounds like a lonely and desperate call from a foaming sea of incredible instruments, whose strings seems to be human nervefibres. A typical Tool-lyric goes "I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away/ mildewed and smoldering. Fundamental differing" which sounds like the reversed description of a stumbling romance. The song is delivered with what could be a key-chorus for Tool :"The poetry that comes from the squaring off between/And the circling is worth, it/ Finding beauty in the dissonance". To find beauty in the dissonance is an artform that Tool masters completely. It´s not that Tool is musically situated in an impenetrable jungle of mystique. Actually the band consists of very basic things such as drums, Danny Carey, on bass Justin Chancellor, Adam Jones on guitar (an arsenal of them, with unique sounds and visionary combinations) and singer Maynard James Keenan. Together they play music which mostly is a mixture of heavy-rock and lines to Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Metallica but often surrounded by a resounding darkness that can be compared with The Cure, Sisters Of Mercy or Joy Division. Together with Marilyn Manson, Tool is on a mission, which is all about giving back the meaning to rock without fundamentally changing the premises of the genre. Here there is no assertions in the shape of primitive rap-rythms or techno-like loops only pure and simple instruments on wild adventures in the twilight on a ridge between nightmare and dreams in rock-land. While Marilyn Manson is aimed at using the clichés of rock in an out- turned display of power, Tool is searching inwards for a constant and consistent soul-searching, which could easily lead to a self- important scratching their own bellybuttons if it was not´t because the band has a visionary brute strength. "Lateralus" is thus a scrub in the primeval forest, that you never cease to explore for new sidetracks, excrescence's, aberrations and shadowed places for a reflection in the restlessness. With it´s long playtime there is a lot to work with, moods to find, acidiferous beauty with currents to swim in - as in the track 'Reflection', letting yourself be bombarded by powerful cannonades - as in the titletrack - with Tool as an amazing tool of as yet unknown landscapes of feelings. 'Lateralus' shows that the band has not become martyrs in their own big big mystery. On the contrary Tool is one of the riddles you would never wish to solve. It´s far more fun to enter this riddle as in a musical labyrinth than to become hypnotized by MTV´s large-flowered wallpaper of sound delivered from the greedy music industry, who should count themselves lucky having a band like this as an alibi. All of us can just look forward to Tool´s concert Thursday, June 28 on the Roskilde festival. Which could be one of the big mysteries this summer! ERIK JENSEN Tool: Lateralus. Produced by Tool and David Bottrill Zomba Records. (79 min).
Posted to t.d.n: 05/22/01 06:27:19