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The Tool Page: An Article


Date: May, 2001

Transcribed by
Trent (

 title: Tool Lateralus Review

Writing this review will not do justice to Tool or this CD. Five 
years in the making, one year-rather, five years in the 
waiting, "Lateralus" delivers huge to the fans desperately 
waiting at the doors of a local record store to open, where 
they stand anxiously with a twenty tightly-clutched between 
their sweaty fingers and shaking palms.

What other could you expect from Tool than a hopeless 
mindfuck; a dark, brooding, magnificent, beautiful, intense, 
introverted, incomprehensible, odd, confusing, interesting, 
hypnotizing, serenading, soothing, yet violent, aggressive, 
yet peaceful, in your face, yet subtle unity of talent and 
intelligence put together by four men who’ve assembled 
something worthy of challenging Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd 
for title of best rock band ever. Though this may be extreme, 
arguably, the fans of this foursome known as Tool would tend 
to agree.

Nearly eighty minutes of recorded brilliance is much more 
than merely impressive, the English vocabulary lacks words to 
describe the feeling of pure bliss combined with extreme 
satisfaction and awe. Forget the verse, chorus, verse, chorus, 
bridge, outro song structures, this is the good stuff; the kind 
of thing that will be hailed as wonderous for generations to 

Following their ’96 masterpiece in "Ænima", Tool had their 
work cut out for them. Perfection is diffuclt to achieve, but 
these men must be extra terrestrial being able to follow-up 
on the genius demonstrated on the latter 
albums. "Pushit", "Third Eye", "Eulogy" among others come 
to mind as unmatchable, let alone unbeatable tracks prior to 
May 15th, 2001. With each song on the new album clocking 
in over seven minutes each, "Lateralus" puts any previous 
work to the backpages of an epic novel with Tool etched into 
the cover in platinum lettering.

Tool are in a league of there own, where they look down from 
an elevated perch on those Weezers and Limp Bizkits of the 
world with a mocking grin and a mischievous tinge in their 
eyes-knowing that they’ve created something so much better 
than what we’ve been fed. "Lateralus" comes refreshingly to 
the tasteful music fan, allowing an immersion of the senses. 
A deep feeling of comfort as all senses are tackled by the 
hellish and heavenly sounds of Tool.

Good old Maynard’s trademark vocals are nothing less than 
outstanding. Lyrically, he brings us on yet another journey 
through paradox, parabol and portal to spaces between time 
and dimensions where he alone holds the keys to the gates 
of our minds, where he tickles our intellects with his feather 
of pure genius. God knows how many interpretations of his 
lyrics have been made, leaving us guessing and Maynard 
smiling at us as he watches us take his lyrics the wrong way. 
Sonically brilliant, Maynard can softly grasp our spirits and 
then violently crush them with a great, big bellow or scream. 
Though screams rare on "Lateralus", he unleashes some nice 
ones on "Ticks and Leeches", the heaviest track on the 
album, where he questions, "Is this what you wanted? Is this 
what you had in mind? ‘Cause this is what you’re getting." If 
he was talking about the album then, yes Maynard, all that 
and then some, thanks. The range on this man is seemingly 
infinite; lungs of steel. "The Grudge" showcases Maynard’s 
ability to hold a full-blown scream for nearly half a minute. 
However, screams aren’t important, but very impressive. His 
singing style has never been duplicated, nor imitated, nor 
even attempted which makes him so great in a world of shitty 
hybrids and plain awful vocal styles.

Also striking on "Lateralus" is Danny Carey. More than 
remarkable, he is the beast behind the drum kit. His speed 
and accuracy is sick. Danny gives tribal beats a new meaning, 
leaving Roy Mayorga and Igor Cavalera having to rethink 
their styles. The polyrythms played are mind-boggling, Danny 
has Jon Bonham, Neil Peart and Dave Lombardo beginning to 
look like teletubbies in the world of drummers.

Adam Jones and Justin Chancellor collaborate to sonically 
destroy the walls of sound with their talent that reaches past 
the heavens into the space behind nothingness. That’s how 
far these guys can go when it comes to structuring songs. 
They compliment each other perfectly, riffs, basslines have 
never been so intricately woven together and meshed into an 
unmatchable sound. A sound so unique and powerful, 
permanently scarred into the mind of the beholders for all 
eternity as being the ever-lasting trademark sound of Tool.

It goes without saying this CD is great. Anything said here is 
an understatement, I lack the literary knowledge to even 
begin to do right here and describe this CD for you. You must 
go pick up this CD if you haven’t already done so. Songs 
like "Ticks and Leeches", "Parabola", "Lateralus", "The 
Grudge", "The Patient", "Disposition", "Reflection", "Triad" will 
take you on a roller coaster of emotion, walk you through 
perfection as you listen with your mind wide open and jaw 
near the ground. Hell, I just basically mentioned almost the 
whole album. The other tracks are great too, there is not one 
second of boredom or regret on this seventy-eight minute 
plus record. Each song unique in its own way, each song 
different and more original and greater than the 
last, "Lateralus" brings to world something it’s been lacking 
for the longest time: a quality experience you can own for 
less than twenty bucks, not to mention the artwork and 
packaging on the CD surpasses that of "Ænima" which was 
beautiful some five years ago. It’s about time!

Posted to t.d.n: 06/12/01 19:25:33