Publication: JJJ Radio
Date: November, 1996
Transcribed by
Will (
Will (
page: title: author: JJJ Australian Radio Date: November 1996 Richard Kingsmill (interviewer): Well, I mean, I think we should talk about the album as well because the pronounciation is something that obviously alot of people around the world are going to be scratching their head about, the new TOOL album. I've been saying Inima, am I halfway correct? Adam: Yeah, I mean, I guess being Australian you can get away with that. *laughs* Richard: Don't patronise me. Adam: It's Onoma. It's Onoma. Richard: It's Arnama is it? Adam: Onoma. Richard: What's it mean? Adam: It's um, a basic philosophy of, of maybe the end of the world, or the end of what's going on in our world, and evolving because of that.. stepping up. You know like, we're not evolving, I think alot of people have just slowed down, technology's gotten to the point of yeah, we're moving on, but we're moving on very slowly because people are becoming very comfortable, and the thing that I've found out, most people don't like to think and I'm one that, I like to be stimulated, and like to think and like to get my mind open and whatever can do that, I'll do. If it's music, if it's taking a walk, if it's doing drugs, if it's having sex, or whatever, reading a book, whatever, as long as my mind is open and I'm expanding my consciousness and I'm aware of my surroundings and I don't take them for granted, I mean, that's what it's about, and I think most people don't wanna think about that or don't think about that, and um, I don't know, it just kinda makes me sick. They all want answers and they all wanna get wrapped up in stuff, so it slows down our evolution. Bill Hicks said you know, evolution didn't stop at our songs, we can keep going, language is just, you know, like spoken language is just one way of communicating, but there's so many other ways, you know that, you know what I'm saying? Richard: Yeah, sure, I mean um, I'm just trying to wonder if you're very optimistic about the future and how then you can raise that consciousness amongst a planet that's so heavily populated.. Adam: I can't do anything. I can't do anything. All I can do is just try to open my own mind. And that's what we're expressing through our songs. I mean, we're not a band like Rage, who I respect alot, but they're very political, and you know, they're trying to make a change, and they're trying to change people's thinking and all that kinda stuff, and all we're doing is just going "hey, this is what we're about" Richard: But at the same time you'd like to feel like you had the power within the band that you were opening up a few minds out there as wel Adam: Oh I think we do, I think we do and I think there are people who want that you know, but I think most people don't, but I think um, the success of our band is because of that. Because, I mean, really, I mean, this album is doing a lot better than anything we've ever done, but we have done well for ourselves in the past (bowling alley people make announcements over the P.A.) Argh! Richard: *laughs* Well you are in a bowling alley.. Adam: yeah... But we have done well for ourselves because of our fan base. It's been very underground, and the lack of advertising and marketing with the band, it's been more of a thought process, it's been more of you know, people getting in touch with the music and taking it a lot further than just being the hot pick of the week, or taking it further than just the catchy song lyric. You know, we don't print our lyrics because we want people to really sit closer to the speaker and try and hear what Maynard's saying versus what's going on in the music. Cos we treat everything with as much importance as the lyrics. *cut to stinkfist* Richard: It is a whole, I mean I find listening to TOOL's music at some times I am stretching my ear to hear what Maynard is actually singing, but to me, it's not all that important. Adam: Yeah, I mean, exactly, you know what I mean, like I'm saying, most people are going to listen to it and it's not going to be important to them. Richard: No, but I'm saying it's the whole picture, I get this sense of the communication of intensity, of passion, of feeling and I don't need to sorta listen to find out exactly what the key is behind each of the songs. I don't find that that's a necessary part of me listening to your music though. Adam: Yeah, and it's also like a lot of people don't get it, and they'll say they get it and if it's positive, I go "okay, that's cool". You don't go "oh no no man, you're not getting it" I mean, if someone's negatively not getting it, I go "dude, that's *not* what it's about". You know, like people come up to us, and we have a song called Opiate, and it's about you know um, the corruption of Christian religion being forced down our fucking throats. Alot of people take that as like a pro Christian song, and these Christians come up to us going "Dude, you know, that song saved my life, and thankyou Jesus" and I go "ok, cool". See it's positive. I'll give you another example. Sober. It's about doing drugs, and why can't we do drugs if something positive happens? And we get a lot of people who can't handle drugs that think it's about not doing drugs, and being sober and they come up going "man, I really relate to that song" and I go "great, if that's what you get out of it". But I don't wanna go "oh, we're such an edgy band and everyone must get us" and all that kinda thing. Like I said, it's just personal, and if you get it, cool, if you don't and you like it, cool. You know, as long as it's all positive. AJ: All my friends think like I do, they all think positive, and if I hang out with them more and then it can be like, just meeting them, or I can be, you know, friends, or really good friends or be even intimate with them. If they don't think like I do, I don't want to hang out with them. Coz all they're going to do is drag me down. You know, and I think a lot of people are unhappy, and they don't want to evolve, and they don't want to.. like, you know, I'm not saying that I'm evolving. Like, you know, "Look at me, if you want to see what the future is". No. But I'm trying. I'm trying to look at things in a new way, I'm trying to expand my consciousness, and I'm not trying to take life for granted at all. Because I believe that this is it. You know, you live, you die.. that's it. Whatever else is out there, is beyond our comprehension and it probably will be for a long time, you know, I don't think the world needs answers, you know.. there's going to be questions that can't be answered and don't have to have.. it's ok not to know the answers.. [cut to Sober.. ] END OF PART I PART II: AJ: Justin has, well.. it's mean to say, I mean, I love Paul and all that, and I wish him well, but, I'm so happy that happened. [laughs] Justin Chancellor is the most amazing person I've ever met. He.. his favourite band was Tool, he was my best friend in England, he writes like Tool, he thinks like Tool, he likes all the same kind of music I do, you know, he just fit the glove, perfect. And, you know, most of the new songs that you've heard, or.. are riffs that he wrote. K: Are they really? AJ: Yeah. At least half of them. K: Wow, that's pretty interesting. Because, I mean the song credits on the album is just simply Tool, so I was kind of wondering where the initial spark came from. AJ: Well, we don't look at like this. Like I said, you know, we treat everything with equal importance, and what happens is.. noone comes and goes "Here's the song that I wrote". Justin will come in with a riff. Then I'll come in with a riff, and then, Justin will come in with two riffs, and we'll kind of start playing with them and expanding them, and making choruses for the riffs, or taking riffs here or there.. or Maynard will come in with at riff. All the lyrics are written last. K: It sounds very complex too, you listen to Tool's music and you kind of wonder sometimes how long it took to create something like that. AJ: Well, sometimes it takes 2 days, sometimes it takes, you know, 3 months. So, it's just.. but it's all fun. I mean, we'd rather just do things our way, do it slow and not worry about how long the song is, not worry about, you know, if it's going to have mass appeal, you know. We're making ourselves happy. The biggest message I can give to anyone is, if you truly want to be happy, do what you do, that makes you happy. Don't do something that makes you money, to bring you happiness. Because that's.. I don't know about Australia, but in America, that's what they really try and push.. that.. you have to go to college, and have to get a degree, and have to get a good job, and you'll be happy. You know, and it's like, no. You have to be happy, and that will bring you success. And that's what we do. And that's why I'm saying, this is so much fun, that you wouldn't believe it, and it's never felt like a job. As soon as it does, you know, I'm going to quit. And go do something else. [cut to Prison Sex] AJ: The best part about it is, no one knows what I look like. I can go out right now, we're playing a show, like, 5000 people, and no one will recognise me, I can watch the two opening bands, and then go onstage. It's wonderful. And it completely keeps your mind open for everything that we're doing, and everything that we want to do, and all of the goals that we have. I mean, we're not rock stars. We're geeks. K: Seriously? You're geeks? AJ: Yeah.. we're geeks. You know, like, Danny and I watch Star Trek, Maynard, you know, he loves watching cartoons and doing stupid stuff, and watching the same movie over.. like we love Caddyshack, and I mean, we're just, we're a bunch of friends, who're all geeks. That's why, it's not about what we look like, and how we "rock out" or whatever the fuck, you know. A guy, in an interview the other day that was complaing what a shoe gazer I was, you know, onstage, and it was like, they miss the point. Because you can barely see me onstage to begin with. We have all these projections, we have lights, they have really atmospheric emotional, trippy kind of, dreamy presentation with our music which completely stimulates each other, and they totally missed out on it. Because I wasn't rocking out, swishing my hair. K: You weren't living up to the rock and roll stereotype. AJ: I guess so. And I guess I never will. And if you don't like that, then don't come see us. K: Which one are you on that.. I've actually just changed the slicks of the cd and put in the one where the guy's doing that.. interesting yoga position. Are you actually.. AJ: Actually, it's a woman. K: It's a woman, is it? AJ: Yeah, Rolling Stone wrote that it was a guy blowing himself, and no, it's actually a woman who's a contortionist. It's like an art she does. And.. I'm the one with the suit on. K: Ahh.. the black suit? AJ: Yeah.. K: OK, cool. Well, it's still pretty hard to see what you look like there. AJ: Exactly. [both laugh] [cut to Aenima] THE END.
Posted to t.d.n: 03/17/02 17:43:11