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The Tool Page: An Article

Publication: The San Bernardino County Sun

Date: October, 1996

Transcribed by
TiM Herrmann (

  page: 12
 title: Metal On The Flipside
author: Jason Foster

In a backlash against all things '80s, the hard driving music of Tool &
Korn foregoes glam in favor of a dark, more aggressive style.

Metal still has a razor-sharp cutting edge, and the Inland Empire is going
to feel it during the next week as Korn and Tool, two Southern California
bands who keep the heart of their genre beating at a rabid pace, perform
in the area.

Korn, from Huntington Beach, starts things off with a concert Sunday at
the Citrus Pavillion at the National Orange Show Events Center in San
Bernardino.  Tool, from Los Angeles, kicks off an eight-week nationwide
stint Oct. 16 at the Glass House in Pomona.

Both bands are sizzling hot, picking up where Metallica left off in the
early '90s.

While Korn hits with a napalm-like blast, Tool prefers to roast listensers
more slowly.

Led by the enormously gifted singer/songwriter Maynard James Keenan, Tool
undertakes dark, disturbing, artful journeys through the gritty underbelly
of the human psyche.  Its songs tend to simmer for long periods before
boiling over into scalding waves of guitars and heavy percussion.

The band's 1993 album, "Undertow,"  has gone platinum and the follow-up
"Aenima," has been gobbled up since its release Oct. 1.

"Our main goal when we're together is to write music in a forum where we
can involve our subconscious as well as our conscious," drummer Danny
Carey says.  "To make that happen we use every tool available to us, be it
sigils, mind-altering chemicals, fragrances, or whatever modern technology
can supply."

[My note] I took out the description of Korn, because I felt it
wasn't relavent to the TOOL article.

Posted to t.d.n: 02/17/99 23:24:19