Publication: Metal Edge
Date: October, 2000
Transcribed by
bokonon (
bokonon (
page: 30 title: P.O.D.: Holy Return of the Rock author: Cathy A. Campagna What is funny about this article is that A Perfect Circle is On the Cover and P.O.D. basicly bashes maynard in this part of the interview. ME: Do you guys ever listen to darker music like Slayer, Morbid Angel, Deidide...? Marcos: We grew up listening to it, when i met Wuv I was like "Hey man, you like Slayer, Metallica?" He's like, "Yes, I do." so I was like, "Lets Jam." So we put our gear into his garage and started rocking. But as we grew musically, we were like, "That's all good," and we incorporated it inot what P.O.D. was doing... W: We listen to all kinds of music, but it gets to a point where you listen to something receptively and you ask yourself--Is this making me a better person? Like, if you're saying the "F" word all day long, then you're going to start feeling that way. If you listen to angry music, you're going to go out with an attitude. It doesn't mean that we don't like the music because it's catchy, but with Slayer, we like them and grew up listening to them, but i don't pop it in today. When you have kids, you don't want your kids listening to Slayer. M: Getting off metal, if you listen to N.W.A.'s old album, it's like "I'm going to do a drive=by and bust your butt." You know, negative in, negative out. Basically, right now the trend is to be a whiner. S: Everybody is complaining about something--like the government--but nobody's really offering a solution. a lot of bands are selling records but they're either pimps, hustlers or they are whining because their life is so bad. "I just sold 10 million albums but life is still bad." Then you're saying you have no peace of mind or joy in your heart. You could be the biggest band, have the rock'n' roll life style, but your still unhappy inside. That's something our music brings, we have that joy and that happiness in our hearts, from God. That sall we canaccredit it to. I mean, for us, we're not anyone's saviors, but we know that God is bigger than that. It comes through prayer, asking, "Hey Gopd, help me out." and we believe that works. M: We love to see bands that don't believe in God, but they write seven songs bashing him. If you don't believe in the Guy, obviously He's doing something to your heart, because you're angry. S: I don't believe in aliens, so I'm not going to waste an album writing about how there are aliens in the sky and how they are coming to New York. M: I'm not going to write a song named'Judith." That's all i've got to say, because Maynard (Keenan, fronman for A Perfect Circle) talks a lot trash about people, and I'm not ashamed to tell him straight up-- You're making money off him (Jesus) dude, that's all you're doing. s: Blasphemy sells. M: Hey, if i were (Keenan, I'd dedicate the next album to him-- "Thank you, Jesus, for all the money. I don't believe in you, b ut thanks. I wrote like 20 songs in Tool and then i wrote four in A Perfect Circle." W: How about a book--"How to Diss Jesus Successfully"
Posted to t.d.n: 12/04/01 23:36:20