Publication: RS878
Date: September, 2001
Transcribed by
sarah cooney (
sarah cooney (
page: 07 title: keenan goes to hell author: austin scaggs did the devil make him do it, or was it the half-naked babes? ordinarily camera-shy tool singer maynard james keenan took the role of satan for director steven grasse's forthcoming b-movie epic, bikini bandts go to hell, where a gang of heavily armed (and heavily stacked) ladies kill and plunder. "maynard's a natural," says grasse, whose bandits series has until now been an internet-only phenomenon. "if he wants to be an actor, he could be huge." and, get this, if you thought sinead o'connor's papal-shredding stunt pissed off the vatican, wait until they see dee dee ramone as the pope. "i wonder if he's gonna get aggravated," says ramone of john paul ii. "but i don't think he will. he likes me." to round out the cast, grasse corralled ex-dead kennedy jello biafra, 194 icon corey feldman and howard stern regulars hank tha angry drunken dwarf and gary the retard. anybody else smell Oscar?
Posted to t.d.n: 09/06/01 01:03:53