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04/30/06 Released (AU) Tour starts!

"10,000 Days" has been released in Australia, and it seems a few local stores in the US are selling it (illegally) as well. So go buy it if you can! §

Tonight, Tool plays their first show in almost 3 1/2 years! And, for the first time in just as long, the Tour page here at t.d.n is back to accepting your concert reviews!

Now, however, reviews will be posted as part of the Opinion forums, so you will need to log in to post. And yes, I know a lot of you are getting "you are banned" messages when you try to register; we will be solving this issue in the next day or so. So write your concert reviews when you get home tonight, save them, and you should be able to post them in a few days!

And a big thanks to Jesse Dinkha and Patric Trinsey for selling me Coachella tickets, and to the other six or so people for offering. See you all there tonight! §

[Posted by Kabir]

04/28/06 Released in Europe! Lyrics Agh Black Sheep Radio

"10,000 Days" has been released in Holland, Germany, Ireland, and various other places in Europe. If you live there, call your favourite store and see if they have it! (Like how I spelled it "favourite" to make you feel like this news post was just for you?) §

Yes, we are slowly deploying lyrics from the new album, as well as a review of a new look to the Lyrics section. It will continue to update as the US album release date approaches. §

Thanks for all who are helping me dig up a Coachella ticket. Still hunting. Agh. §

[Posted by Kabir]

An old friend of mine writes in to let us know that he'll be play two full hours of live Tool on Black Sheep Radio (100.1 FM in Bellow Falls, VT) Monday night starting at 10PM EDT. If you're not near VT (and, let's face it, most of us aren't), you can listen over the 'net at

With any luck, their streaming server will survive the onslaught of Tool fans and NOT go down in flames. §

[Posted by Chris]

04/27/06 Bugs Records Off-topic

Sorry to all of you who are trying to register for the Opinion forums and are getting a message saying you are "banned." Free email accounts have been blocked for some time for various reasons, and we are working on a solution to the problem. Please bear with us. It should be very soon.

The Tour and Articles pages were having bug trouble since the recent server crash. They are back to normal now. §

Yes, images of the liner notes from "10,000 Days" have leaked all over the internet. We're in an awkward position on that; on one hand, we shouldn't really be posting them, but on the other hand, of course we should be posting them. We'll sort that out soon. §

Last Monday (the 17th), the day "Vicarious" hit the radio, this site had a record number of people stop by: 62,602 visitors, breaking the previous record from "Lateralus" release day of 51,000-some. Thanks to all of you for your continued support! §

And two quick non-Tool personal notes. Due to various clerical errors, I wound up with zero tickets to Coachella on Sunday instead of the two I had been counting on. If anyone has an extra one, I'd be thrilled if you shot me an email. I'm sorry to make such a lame post here - I'll make it up to you all somehow. Second, I've been in New York for a few weeks, producing/directing a segment for "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central, and it airs Monday, if you want to see it. §

[Posted by Kabir]

04/18/06 Drip, drip.... A review

Well well. Seems it is time to re-post something I posted here some four years ago. "Yes, the almost-inevitable has happened. Don't email me asking what I'm talking about. No, I'm serious, don't email me about it. Don't ask where you can get it, or anything else about this. Just make sure you buy "10,000 Days" when it comes out in two weeks. Make sure you support the band that has given you so much good music. If you don't, you may not get any more in the future. As one fan said, 'the band worked too hard on this for it to be blown by people who do nothing but accumulate MP3s.'"

Anyone who posts any links to any downloadable illegal unreleased material here will obviously be banned, at the least. I understand how you all feel about it. Try to understand my end of it. Thanks. §

Also, seems I forgot to post this. I had an opportunity to hear the record last week. If you care, you can read what I thought. §

[Posted by Kabir]

04/17/06 Many more US shows! Maynard gets older

A whole list of shows appeared on the official site this morning, then disappeared. Readers are sending in news of local announcements of these shows; we're getting that list posted to our Tour section now.

Ticketmaster has confirmed Tool to play the Orpheum Theater in Boston on May 21 (WAAF apparently announced it as May 22 this morning). Tickets go on sale on April 22 at 10am EDT and will set you back $55 before fees and such. That same Ticketmaster page now lists shows for Tempe, AZ (May 6, $66.66); Minneapolis (May 12); Chicago (May 13); and Upper Darby, PA (May 17). §

Maynard turns 42 today. Maybe now he'll find the answer to life, the universe, and everything. §

[Posted by Chris]

04/16/06 Something has to change ... has posted a new splash page, featuring the artwork from 10,000 Days and the 30-second tease that was sent to radio stations Friday morning. §

[Posted by Chris]

04/15/06 Detroit in May? Oakland, too! Vicarious on the Radio

One of our forum readers reports that WRIF has announced Tool to play the State Theater in Detroit sometime in May. This is one of the venues that Tool played during the 2001 Pre-Seminal Tour. §

"Live 105" in San Francisco is reporting that Tool will play the Paramount Theater in Oakland on May 4th. §

I also got an email this morning from a DJ in Oklahoma City stating that a few stations around the nation played the "Vicarious" leak on-air last night. They seem to also have gotten cease & desist letters for their trouble. §

[Posted by Chris]

04/14/06 Vicarious Leaked Minneapolis Confirmed

We've gotten several emails that radio stations across the US are playing a 30-second teaser clip from "Vicarious". From what we understand, none of them will have the full track until Monday.

UPDATE: Well, "Vicarious" has leaked. Seems the record label was prepping to release the song Monday, sent online to radio stations. And it seems they left the FTP site unprotected for a few minutes. So now, naturally, it is all over the place. Do not ask us for it, because technically it is not supposed to be available yet, and technically it is stolen. We're just providing the info to keep you updated. §

[Posted by Kabir]

OK, so we had the right venue ... but the wrong city? Tool will be playing the Orpheum Theater in Minneapolis (not Boston) on May 12, according to TicketMaster. Tickets go on sale April 22 and will cost $63 a piece. Ouch.

UPDATE: No surprise, but Ticketmaster has now removed that page. §

[Posted by Chris]

04/13/06 Rock On, Seattle! Anyone Else? Where's the Leak? Coachella Webcast

Seattle radio station 107.7 "The End" sent this message to its "End Mail" subscribers today:

"Monday (4/17) at 10am, tune in to The End for World Premier New End Music from Tool, 'Vicarious', [...] Plus, we'll have the details on an upcoming Tool show in Seattle."

Additionally, a DJ from 91.3 in Vancouver seems to think that it will be held in early May (between the 2nd and the 6th) at the Paramount Theater in Seattle and admission will only be available through radio contests.

UPDATE: According to 106.9 (out of Hartford, CT), Tool is due to play the Orpheum Theater (in Boston, I assume) on May 22. §

And just in case that wasn't interesting enough, we're expecting a tour announcement next week (possibly as early as Monday) from the band. We have no idea if this is a pre-Europe or post-Europe announcement, but more reports have been trickling in (from radio stations) that suggest pre-Euro shows in Boston and Denver. §

With "Vicarious" just days from airing on the radio, some folks would have expected it to leak by now. Why hasn't it? It turns out that most radio stations will be downloading a digital file from a secure webserver (no, we're not telling you which one) and may receive a physical CD at a later date. Other info indicates that, instead of mailing out promo copies of the album, Tool is flying journalists to LA to review it under their supervision. §

Lots of you seem to be getting excited over the fact that Coachella is webcasting parts of the festival again this year, but you may want to curb your enthusiasm. Tool have a long history of explicitly disallowing any part of their performance to be included in any webcast. §

[Posted by Chris]

04/09/06 April Fools Wrap New York, New Work

As promised, here is the full story about our 2006 April Fools' Day fun. Grab a beverage and start reading. §

And for you east-coasters who might care about this sort of thing, I'll be in New York for the end half of April, directing a segment for The Daily Show. (I'm only making this post because a lot of you think I still edit for VH1, and I haven't done that since the 1990s...) §

[Posted by Kabir]

04/02/06 April Fools!

Well, well, well. April Fools' Day has come and gone again. There were in fact no listening parties for the new record in cities across the world. Some fell for it, some scoffed, but it seems overall a good time was had by all trying to figure out just what the heck was going on. A full wrap-up will be posted here shortly. Happy April! §

[Posted by Kabir]

03/27/06 Living Vicariously Hammersmith Ticket Info has this to say: has learned that first single/album opener "Vicarious," which stretches past the seven-minute mark, is due to arrive April 17 at U.S. rock radio outlets.

Thanks to Nebel for pointing this out. §

Ricky writes in from London to tell us that Hammersmith tickets went on sale for both shows this weekend and that all standing tickets are sold out. Seating tickets can't be far from doing the same. §

[Posted by Chris]

03/21/06 There is no EP Update

When I said to grab your salt shaker, I wasn't kidding. Someone has spun up a rumor that the filename for the artwork posted at (xmdays_mini_art.jpg) is somehow indicative of an EP ("mini album"). This is an unfounded rumor at best. §

Amazon updated their listing for "Tool - TBD" to include what is presumably the final cover art for the album. §

[Posted by Chris]

03/20/06 Domo Arigato New Artwork

According to the official Summer Sonic Festival website, Tool will be in Japan in mid-August. §

Grab your salt shaker, folks. The official site ( has posted a new logo and some artwork. §

[Posted by Chris]

03/16/06 Promo Photos A Review! Guitar World

Several readers have pointed us to a stack of new promo photos. Head over to the Images section to see them for yourself. (Thanks Ryan for helping me get my hands on these.) §

Australian radio network JJJ aired a short review (approximately three minutes) of 10,000 Days. Have a listen here. §

Adam Jones will grace next month's issue of Guitar World, due to hit news stands on April 11. §

[Posted by Chris]

03/14/06 (Re)New Dates No Artwork Yet has relisted some previously-dropped tour dates (June 11, 13, and 14). Ticket info is slowly trickling in, but you're bound to find more details in the forum. §

There's a whole slew of fake artwork flying around the 'net, but nothing official has been released yet. Thanks to Ryan for keeping up with all the fakes. §

[Posted by Chris]

03/10/06 Track List!!

The track listing for "10,000 Days" has just been released via the official site!

Wings For Marie (Pt 1)
10,000 Days (Wings Pt 2)
The Pot
Lipan Conjuring
Lost Keys (Blame Hofmann)
Rosetta Stoned
Right In Two
Viginti Tres

A few more mathematically-oriented titles, and certainly a lot to discuss. (Including the ongoing question about whether we are being toyed with ... though at the moment that is unclear). Maybe you want to head over to the "10,000 Days / New Album" forum in the Opinion section and weigh in! Thanks to Joel Haugen for giving us the heads-up... §

[Posted by Kabir]

03/06/06 Album Name Confirmed

Well so much for all the conspiracy theories. A reliable source confirms that the title is "10,000 Days." There it is! (Those of you complaining that it "doesn't sound like a Tool title" might want to refer back to other mathematically-themed names such as "Forty-Six & 2", "4 Degrees", "Parabola", etc.) It is sounding more and more like the album will be out at the start of May. §

[Posted by Kabir]

03/03/06 Album Name Released!!! Single Release Date

Earlier today, posted that the new album's art is finished and being released to the printers today. They also announced the name of the new album: "10,000 Days". §

[Posted by Chris]

Several readers have also noted that Jake Daniels, a radio DJ for KATT in Oklahoma City, has announced April 17 as the day the first single will be released to radio. §

[Posted by Chris]

03/02/06 Tool in Oz?

We're hearing very early rumors of Tool booking dates in August for Australia. Check the Tour page for details. §

[Posted by Chris]

For older news, check the menu above left.

kabir/akhtar | kabir@t.d.n