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11\10\08 On the Road Again?

Though all has been quiet on the Tool front for some time, a promoter wrote in today to say he's heard rumblings of possible Tool shows in 2009. We'll keep an eye on this and keep you all posted.

[Posted by Kabir]

11\04\08 Election Day

It's not Tool-related per se, but today is Election Day here in the US. We urge you to go vote. Tool has their whole message of thinking for yourself; there's no better way to voice your own opinion than to vote.

And as a special treat, here's a blast from the past. Eight years ago, I took down t.d.n and put up a "go vote" message, though I also put my politics on display. Some of you loved it, some of you hated it, so it will either be a heartwarming memory or a painful reminder. But if you want to check it out, here is the full rundown.

[Posted by Kabir]

09\08\08 Move Over, Adam ...

Activision has announced that the upcoming Guitar Hero World Tour will feature not one, but three playable Tool songs! Now we'll all be able to play "Parabola", "Schism", and "Vicarious", reportedly in a digital venue inspired by Toolish artwork. No word yet if "Useful Idiot" or "Lipan Conjuring" will be added to the game.

[Submitted by Nate | Posted by Kabir]

08\17\08 Lucky Thirteen

Just a quick mention that today is t.d.n's 13th birthday. While it's been a quiet year around here, at least we're proud to say we're still here. Think about how different your life was back in 1995. Three more years, and t.d.n will be old enough to drive. So to all of you who have continued to come by over the years, a big thanks. Without you, this wouldn't have been possible.

[Posted by Kabir]

08\13\08 "Right In Two" Lyrics!

Aha! Just when you thought nothing was going on around here, we're here to prove you wrong. Official lyrics for "Right in Two" have been released. So head for the Lyrics section, and finally get the answer to a question that's been on your mind for the 27 months since "10,000 Days" came out.

That question, by the way, is "What are the words before he sings 'Right in Two'?", not "How do I get my cat to wear the '10,000 Days' glasses?"

[Posted by Kabir]

04\05\08 April

So you're wondering (a) where we've been and (b) why there was no April Fools' Day prank this year? It's easy to explain, though not particularly exciting. (a) Things in Tool-land have been pretty slow (though "Vicarious" lyrics have been posted), and I've been in various countries this year shooting various television series, and without continuous internet access. (b) Are you sure there wasn't?

OK, yes, there wasn't. Maybe we were getting a little predictable; we'd gone eleven years in a row with a gag on 4/1! But thanks to all of you who wrote in wondering if you'd been duped somehow, and to those who came by to see if we were still alive and were planning to pull the wool over their eyes.

We're in that part of the Tool cycle where things are really slow. By now, you longtime fans know the phases: "speculation about new record", "misinformation about new record", "run-up to new record", "leak of songs online", "new record release", "argument over meaning of lyrics", "sudden touring frenzy for two years", and "why isn't t.d.n being updated?"

I think you can see where we are in the cycle. I hope you are all doing well.

[Posted by Kabir]

For older news, check the menu above left.

kabir/akhtar | kabir@t.d.n