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11\04\09 All Quiet

Tool has been quiet. Too quiet. Perhaps after Maynard's band Puscifer finishes touring, we will hear out of them again. Then again, what was that they said about "cold silence"? §

[Posted by Kabir]

08\17\09 Fourteen Years

As Tool winds down their summer tour, with only one show left to play, I thought I'd take a second to congratulate The Tool Page on turning 14 years old today! Yes, fourteen years ago, the News page went live, beginning a tradition that is by now very familiar to Tool fans. Thank you all for still coming by after all this time, and keeping this place going. §

[Posted by Kabir]

07\20\09 Pry Open Your Third i-Phone

Alright, that wasn't the best headline ever. But the News page is now customized for iPhone users, so those of you coming by while on the go will now experience an easier-to-read site. Plus the site finally has a nice icon available if you bookmark it from your iPhone. More of the site will follow. §

[Posted by Kabir]

07\19\09 Setlists and Reviews

So Tool's tour is underway, and so once again is the posting of first-person concert reviews. The setlist trickled in last night as the show was going on, and people have been voicing their opinions as vociferously as always. Check out the Tour page for more!

Also, the t.d.n Ticket Hookup is back! A favorite old feature of this site, the Ticket Hookup gives Tool fans an opportunity to post extra tickets for sale (at face value) to help out other Tool fans in need. You can access it from the Tour page also. §

[Posted by Kabir]

07\18\09 Ready, Set, Tour!

Tonight, after a hiatus of more than nineteen months, Tool takes to the stage once again. The band will be playing sixteen shows over the next few weeks across North America. And as we have done here for fourteen years (we're so old), we will be accepting your concert reviews in the Tour section immediately following the show. Special thanks to marcus in the Opinion forums for getting the site ready to accept reviews.

So if you're going to see Tool live this summer, enjoy the show, and while you're waiting to get back home afterwards, get online and share the setlist and your thoughts with the rest of us! §

[Posted by Kabir]

07\01\09 Canada, Again

Happy July! Another tour date has trickled in, this one in Kingston, Canada. Check the Tour page for the latest info! §

[Posted by Kabir]

06\10\09 No Minny

Well, it turns out Tool won't be playing a show in Minnesota this summer after all. Reports indicate that a St. Paul date was on the list of shows to play, but the schedule could not be worked out. §

[Submitted by Ted L | Posted by Kabir]

Also, there is word about a potential August 7th show in Cincinnati, but no confirmation yet. Keep your ears open...

[Submitted by J Campbell | Posted by Kabir]

06\07\09 Rest of the Tour

Hey folks. Just as in years past, once again, I went on vacation and a bunch of Tool news comes flooding in. Thanks to all who wrote in with tips on new tour dates being announced, all of which flesh out this summer's tour. The new dates have all been listed in the Tour section. Sorry for the delay getting them posted. Maybe if I go on vacation again, a new album will magically appear. §

[Posted by Kabir]

05\13\09 Another Show

Another show has been confirmed for the upcoming summer tour, this one in Dallas. This should have been posted a few days ago, but hey, apparently things move more slowly down south. The latest info is posted to the Tour page. §

[Posted by Kabir]

05\04\09 Another Show

Another show has been confirmed for the upcoming summer tour, this one in Utah. The latest info is posted to the Tour page.

Oh and, given today's date, May the 4th be with you. §

[Posted by Kabir]

04\21\09 Tour Update

Well well well. Today, three weeks after we first posted the info, comes final comfirmation that Tool will be playing Lollapalooza this summer. And we're hearing about a show in Minnesota as well. Seems that a location station (93X) is reporting that there will only be five North American shows total. If true, this would mean there's only one left to be announced.

We've also heard a rumor about a Boston show in late July, but not from a reliable source yet. Anyhow, check the Tour page for the latest details! §

[Posted by Kabir]

04\05\09 Puscifer Show April Fools' Wrapup

Last night was Puscifer's first show in Los Angeles. Maynard's newest band ended their gig with an appearance by Danny on drums for their last song. Congrats to Maynard on another successful project taking off! §

Whether you enjoyed this year's April Fools' prank or you missed it entirely, check out the recap of this year's prank, complete with the breakdown of the joke, replies from people who were fooled, and an email from a radio station who heard from a whole lot of you. Happy April! §

[Posted by Kabir]

04\02\09 Happy April - Again

Well well well. Just in case it wasn't entirely obvious, rest assured, yesterday's post was in fact our annual April Fools' Day prank. Some people fell for it, some people scoffed at it, and at least one radio station announced on-air that it was not true! We'll get a proper wrapup posted here ASAP for you to peruse and/or enjoy. Thanks to all who came by here and our Twitter feed yesterday! §

[Posted by Kabir]

04\01\09 Tool Small Venue Shows!!

In addition to Tool hitting the festival circuit this summer, word has just gotten out that they are going to play a series of shows at small venues ("under 1000 capacity", we are told) as they make their way around the country. Exact dates are scheduled to be released this morning to "modern rock FM stations" around the country, so you might want to tune in to your local morning show. §

UPDATE: We now have confirmation that in order to deter scalpers - under instruction from Tool's management - the stations will not be announcing local tour dates on-air, but will instead be giving ticket info all day today only to people who call in and request information with the password "COZENED".

Sorry for the late notice on this, we only just found out around midnight. §

UPDATE 2: Thanks to everyone who has written in so far. Sounds like there will definitely be small venue shows in Richmond, Portland, Indianapolis, and Los Angeles. This city selection probably has to do with filling the gaps around their festival appearances. At least two people have written in saying they have gone down to their local stations and picked up their tickets already. §

UPDATE 3: According to Tool's management, the small venue shows are now almost sold out. We know for sure that a limited number of tickets are still available. Try calling your local station and giving them the password above! §

[Posted by Kabir]

03\30\09 Tool Points West Toolapalooza?

Tool is headlining the All Points West Festival (which is the East Coast version of the Coachella Festival), alongside Coldplay and the Beastie Boys. Tool will be playing the same day as Gogol Bordello, which means you can get yourself properly bruised in time for the main act. §

Also, an anonymous source just wrote in to advise us that they have seen not-yet-released Lollapalooza advertising materials with Tool listed on them. We'll keep you posted ... §

[Posted by Kabir]

03\26\09 Tool Playing Live! Feedback Broken

Break out your black shirts - and your wallets! Tool has been announced as the Saturday night headliner at the Mile High Music Festival this summer. This looks to be one of many summer tour dates by Tool, who have not played a live show since late 2007. Check the Tour page for all the info. Here we go again ... §

[Submitted by Mike R | Posted by Kabir]

Also, the classic Feedback form is currently not working, but you can still send in any info you have about upcoming shows (or whatever else) from the Feedback page. We're working on getting this fixed. §

[Posted by Kabir]

03\09\09 Articles Anew

After being fairly messy for a few years, the Articles section of this site has finally gotten a visual refresh. If you've never been in there, you might want to check it out. It is an archive of magazine / online articles about Tool, many painstakingly transcribed by hand for The Tool Page. Currently, it contains 371 articles from 1992 - 2002.

Currently, there are no articles there post-2002. The posting mechanism has not worked for some time, but we are working on the new posting software. Once that is done, we plan to get a long backlog of articles online; you will also be able to help out by posting any articles you think should be there.

But the first step was making the existing archive readable again. So grab some Girl Scout Cookies and get to reading. You didn't want to go outside anyway. §

[Posted by Kabir]

03\06\09 Tweet Tweet

The Tool Page is now on Twitter; come follow us for Toolish updates! You can find us there as thetoolpage. §

[Posted by Kabir]

03\05\09 Puscifer Live

Puscifer, Maynard's most active band these days, is playing their first live dates in LA next month. The first show announced has nearly sold out; a second one is being added. Get on down to the show, and make sure to practice saying the band's name out loud as fast as you can. §

[Posted by Kabir]

02\28\09 Next Album Site Cleanup

In recent interviews, both Adam and Maynard have mentioned that the band is in the early writing phase for the next Tool album. You veterans of the waiting game know this means we still have a while to wait, especially with everyone being busy with side projects. §

Also, the Biography section has finally been redesigned to match the rest of the site, though the information in there has not been updated for some time. The list of books recommended by Tool for your reading pleasure has also undergone a facelift; its content has also not changed, but it is available for your perusal in the More section. §

[Posted by Kabir]

01\08\09 Blasts from the Past

Here's a final look backwards as we kick off another new year. Site traffic was slow last year, with the members of Tool focusing on their own projects, rather than doing much as a collective unit.

Nonetheless, a quick look at last years stats show that even in a quiet year, The Tool Page welcomed nearly 4 million page views by approximately 1.2 million unique visitors. Thanks for all of your continued support, even as we continue our longstanding tradition of not posting much during what is essentially Tool's offseason.

But it's been a good opportunity to clean the site up a bit more. Those of you who have been around for a long time might enjoy the recently cleaned-up Even More part of the More section. There were a bunch of old things lying around there that I thought might be worth re-linking for posterity's sake.

Most interesting to look at is a collection of old front pages of this site, dating all the way back to 1996, when this site wasn't even at its current address. Yes, before toolshed was toolshed. Grab a donut and have at it. §

[Posted by Kabir]

01\06\09 Dare to Cross the Wine Mystery

(What a satisfying pun.) Some of you who are hip to the wine scene may know that Maynard lately has been doing in-store appearances / bottle signings, to promote his vineyard. A few more of these will be happening in northern California in the near future; you can check out the dates here. §

And for those of you wondering what I've been doing that has kept me away from this site, check out the Unsolved Mysteries marathon airing on Spike this week. I spent much of last year directing segments for the new/old series.

[Posted by Kabir]

For older news, check the menu above left.

kabir/akhtar | kabir@t.d.n